Monday, April 11, 2011

something about Saudi Arabia

Since there is not a lot of information about my hometown Saudi Arabia in this course, I will try to give a brief anthropology about it. I don’t why there is not a lot of information about Saudi Arabia. Maybe because how hard for the foreign people to enter in the culture, since it is affected by Islamic religion more than 1400 years. Most of our culture, if not all of it, are founded in Islamic base either by a Sunni, majority, or a Shia. The government put all the rules based on Islamic religion. There is no Saudi nationality for a not Muslim. It’s so hard to visit Saudi Arabia if you are not Muslim. I think that makes it hard for the anthropologist to study it closely. If you are a girl you have to wear a scarf, cavers girl’s head and maybe your face, and Abaya, covers her body even if you are not Muslim. The men have not touch a not relative with him, this is a rule in Islamic religion. In addition, we have different year calendar. Our calendar based on the moon motion. The month starts with new moon, crescent, till end the moon in that period we end of 29 to 30 days in each month, and 12 in a year. This is about a some political and cultural things.

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