Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ancient Greeks Warfare

The ancient Greeks could arguably have had the best military of all time. With each city-state utilizing a military, it hard to tell which one was the best. When doing research I looked more specifically at the Spartan military.

The Spartan soldiers were known as hoplites. Training to become hoplites started as young as age 7 when boys were turned over from their mother to the stare. From there they precipitated in Agoge, which was a 13 year training to become a solider. Classes taught the boys different war songs, how to speak quickly and to the point and different warfare techniques. Once they became of the age 20 they were required to like in barracks at least until the age of 40.

After finding out this information, I believe this dedication to warfare is what created such a strong legacy for Spartan Warfare. If everyone wasn’t on board with this, Sparta would not have been able to protect its city limits.

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