Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Language and perception--sapior whorlf hypothesis

The hypothesis is language has some connections to the mind, although it is not the direct consequences or product to the mind. I agree with that saying. I think language is very important, it is the gateway between two minds and no other means in the world can do that. Two people will never know what each other is thinking even if they sit and stare at each other all day. Without language, people are completely isolated from each other. How important is language? Let's just say how deaf people struggle and suffer from not being able to hear what other people are saying, and lip reading is only sufficient 30 percent of the time, with a large amount of information they are missing, it is very hard for them to communicate. Most deaf people suffer from feeling like isolated from the rest of the world.
To be able to communicate what your mind directly says is not only a tool but also an art that involves logical abilities.
I think language tells you what's inside a person's brain. The mind thinks, then language spell it out. It has direct relationships that a person has a lot in his brain communicates a lot verses a person has little in his brain and doesn't communicate much. Not vise versa, whereas a person's language shapes his own thought. Because I think a person can't have language in the first place without having a full brain.
In this case I agree completely with Whorlf's hypothesis. However is that person able to deliver flawlessly what's inside his mind, is the receiver able to receive it and understand fully the message, and able to communicate back is also a factor in communicating.

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