Wednesday, May 4, 2011


an example of totemism is a dakota indian taking a snake as his personal symbol; us armyu rainbow division during world war I thinkign taht a rainbow before battle would protect them; the university fo wyoming teams being called the cowobys or the cowgirls and many more. i think totemism is interesting becasue when i was in middle school, tests were considered very important for people, so my friend wrote a letter to me encouraing each other before the test day, and on the test she received a really good score. the next time we have a big test like this, once again she gave me a letter only because the first time she did she receive a beg score. many friends of mine in CHina also like to eat the same thing on test day. for example, if they received a big score on a test and they ate noodels that morning, the next time they have a test like that they would eat noodles again. i think it is interesing how people don't really trust in their own abilities, instead, they trust taboos and totemism.
trust your own abilities!!!

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