Monday, May 2, 2011

This also related to my last post. I talked about forms conflict resolution. Forms of conflict resolution can also be related to governments.

English government is set up different from the American government. In England the government is known a Parliamentary Monarchy. The crown is head of state. “It serves as the head of the judiciary commander in chief of the armed forces, supreme governor of the Church of England, and Church of Scotland, and summons and dismisses Parliament and misters of cabinet.” The current Crown of England is Queen Elizabeth II. While the Queen is thought to have to this power she also has an advisor.

The main advisor to the Queen is the Prime minister, who is also known as the chief executive. He is more of a political leader, while the monarch is more of a symbol of power. Prime minster is in also known as First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Civil Service. The Prime Minister is head of cabinet and elects the members of both cabinet and House of Commons.

Cabinet has twenty members that are divided into two different departments the House of Commons or the House of lords. Heads of these departments are known as secretaries of state. Executive and head of judiciary is given to the Lord Chancellor. The Constitution is also different from America’s

In England the constitution is not one single document. England’s constitution is made up of several different documents. Three of the many documents are the Magna Carta and the Petition of Rights, and Bill of Rights. Also all laws passed by the crown are considered to be a part of the constitution. I found this information at

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