One of our assingments was to talk to our grandparents, and parents to find out what they think has changed over time and how it has affected them. I talked to m
y great grandma who will be 90 in a couple of days and she has grown up and been through all the ups and downs this country has seen in the past almost century. I asked my grandma what she thought was the biggest change in out country that has had an impact on out culture the most. Her response was how the change in the work ethic of people. In her day and even in our parents generation working hard was all people knew and that was the only way people could have money to buy things. Now she said people are handed money from the government and they dont have to work hard to be able to buy a nice new flat screen. She also said that as time goes on the newer generations become more lazy and lack the want to have a good work ethic and expect things should be handed to them rather than them working for what is wanted. I had to agree with my grandma when she was saying these things because its very true. Today certain groups such has the single young mothers who have no education and no back what so ever relay on the government to bail them out when the money comes from all the hard working tax payers. My grandma used the term for this group as the ones who consume all the benefits, and feel none of the negative effects. How this seems fair, I dont really know. We have become a country of want and not a country of work.

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