I’m a little obsessed with England right now. I’ll be traveling to London this may. I thought this related to cultural change over time. The transportation in London has changed over time. This website http://www.aaanet.org/profdev/careers/ : Transportation in London has grown along with governmental changes. In the eighteenth century, the mode of transportation was limited. The main source resided in carriages. Carriages were only used by the upper class. In order to own a carriage, one must own a whole team of horses. Obviously, keeping a team of horses was expensive. This left most of the people in England without carriages and teams. Hence, walking provided the main mode of transportation for many. In the nineteenth century, more effective means of transportation developed.
Today, both private and public modes of transportation are used in England. Private modes of transportation include planes and cars. Like the carriages of old, today’s planes and cars are costly for many. Thus, most of the population uses the train system .
London has one of the oldest train systems dating back to the nineteenth century. Trains were originally steam powered. Now trains run on electric power though the London underground system. The general public also commonly uses buses.
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