Monday, May 2, 2011

~Medieval Life~

Daily life during the Middle Ages is sometimes hard to grasp. Pop culture loves to focus on exciting medieval moments - heroic knights charging into battle; romantic liaisons between royalty and commoner; breakthroughs and discoveries made. But life for your average person during the Dark Ages was very routine, and activities revolved around an agrarian calendar. Most of the time spent was working very hard, trying to get enough food to survive another year. Church feasts marked sowing and reaping days, and occasion when peasant and lord could rest from their labors. Social activities were very important, and every citizen in a medieval town would be expected to attend. Fairs with troubadours and acrobats performed in the streets, merchants sold goods in the town square, games of chance were held at the local tavern, and tournaments were held that features knights from near the area and far from it. These were just some of the ways that the people spent their leisure time. Medieval weddings were cause for the entire town to celebrate.

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