Monday, May 2, 2011


As I would hope all Americans know, Osama Bin Laden is dead.......can we all say THANK GOD!!! However as I was listing to President Obama inform the nation of this wonderful news I couldnt help but get pissed off becaue he made it seem like this capture was soley his success rather than brave men whom actually deserve the credit. He just has a pompus way of delivering a speech. Another reason I was getting irritated is because he said" I along with President Bush have followed through with what we promised Americans", now I dont know what the hell is in his head, but in 2001 a lot of Americans didnt even know Obama existed therefore he probably should not be taking the credit for something that was Bush's platform. Being Obama staked his platform on bringing the troops home and focusing on Afganistan which in no way shape or form benefits the U.S. so he completely controdicted what he was saying when he was running for President 3 years ago.....however lets be honest he has been doing that throughout his whole presidency. I know this blog was a little harsh but this whole situation in just bitter sweet because Obama says we can all sleep knowing the world is safer when in all acutality he should be concered with retaliation beings we just took out a fierce terrorisms' group leader.....

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