Monday, May 2, 2011

Harvest of Fear

Sorry my last post doesn't want to show up for some reason. But this is my post the movie related to food production and government conflicts. The government is in a big debate about genetically modified food. Americans didn't know that they were even eating this food till shipment of starlight corn had been shipped to Europe. Europeans were outraged. They started dumping the good. Mad cow disease had already hit in Europe. So Europeans distrust in GMOs was high. The Food and Agriculture Department rates at a seven in trust from the American People. I tink personally GMOS need mroe test ran besides on lab animals. We don't know the effects of this food. It's only been on the market since the 90's. We don't know if people are getting sick or dying from this. The government also wants to test this food on developing countries which I think is wrong. This move shows that advances in food production can be good and bad and cause conflicts in governments.

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