Monday, October 25, 2010

Politics in my familyt

Last class we talked about politics and power... in my family there are some very heated arguments about politics. My mother, being a democrat, and her brother, also quite liberal, consistently get in arguments with their parents, since my grandparents are very republican. They were huge supporters of the McCain/Palin campaign two years ago when Obama was elected president. Well, shortly after Obama won the election, me and my family went to grandma and grandpa's house for Christmas. I love to mess with my family and play jokes on people, so I did something that would get my grandparents worked up. Every Christmas I get a new Santa Clause figure for our Santa collection and this particular year I bought a very special Santa. One of the reasons my grandparents basically hate Obama is the fact that he's black... yes, my grandparents are racist but that's just the way it is. So, they weren't too pleased to see the black Santa I had bought and set up in their house. I happen to like Obama so I was just representing, but my grandparents weren't impressed by the joke. That's what politics does to my family!

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