Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lithuanian Culture

In Anth 1200, we discussed kinship charts and family origins.  In my kinship chart, there are ninety people, ranging from my grandparents to my cousin's children.  Sixty-six of the ninety are from my mother's side, the Naumovich family, a clan from Lithuania with strong family ties.  Out of curiosity, I did some research on Lithuanian culture mainly with this site:, and found that my family has aspects of it in our lives today.  Literature is big in Lithuania and our family is huge on reading and sharing books.  Music is also very popular, my grandmother has played the organ and piano as well as sung in a choir for more than fifty years.  My aunts and many of my cousins are members of various choirs.  My grandfather is a wonderful cook and we have many traditional European dishes around the holidays including kielbasa and pizelles.  Happy Holidays!

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